Pilina Kanaloa 2025
Ocean Day at the Capitol
2025 Pilina Kanaloa: Ocean Day at the Capitol
For the third year, Hawaiʻi ocean groups are coming together to raise the alarm for our ocean to lawmakers. We invite community organizations to lead outreach tabling and participate in legislative meetings during the day, and connect to celebrate the growing waves of action at a community gathering in the evening.
March 13th Programming
Hawaiʻi State Capitol | 10-2PM: Lobby Day - join us for legislative meetings and public outreach on our local ocean issues, open to the public
AC Marriott Hotel on Bishop | 3:30-5:30 PM: Reception & Award Ceremony - connect and celebrate with the ocean community just a short walk from the Capitol
Both of these events are open to the public for them to learn about our ocean, the issues, the solutions, and the community leaders working on them.